Quick Look At Lyndon

Cognia & GISA Accreditations
Three year graduation plans
96th percentile for PSAT scores
3 Languages studied in 1st-5th grade, Bilingual study starts in Pre-K
100% of graduates are college bound
100% of students receive scholarship offers
Dual-Enrollment Opportunities
Over 38 Advanced Placement Classes with opportunity for college credit
1:1 Computer to Student Ratio
Reinforced interior storm shelter built to withstand a tornado
Secured and monitored entrances electronic key access
Fresh, ionized air and classrooms cleaned every night
Average class size of 12 students
Each student learns social etiquette and public speaking to build individual confidence
Partnership with International Student Alliance
Zero-tolerance bullying policy is strictly enforced
8:1 Student To Teacher Ratio
Individualized tutoring included with tuition
55% of teachers have advanced degrees
Teachers average over 19 years of experience
Family & Community
Require 60 hours of community service
Online system, Sycamore, allows direct access to grades, disciple and direct communication with teachers
Strong connections with Holly Springs Police Department, Anna Crawford Foundation and Service League of Cherokee County
GAPPS Athletic Association
6 State Championships in last 5 years
Hosts a number of athletic opportunities on campus and with partners to facilitate a well-rounded athletic program

Over 50% of students in 4th-10th grade participate in band
Drama opportunities begin in 5th grade
Entire student body performs 2 choral performances each school year
Multiple art electives and after-school programs opportunities
Electives & Clubs
Over 75 elective choices available
After-school programs begin in kindergarten
Average student participates in 3.5 extra-curricular or co-curricular activities
Electives and extra-curricular fees are included in tuition