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Financial Assistance Resources

Financial aid is awarded through a confidential and thorough analysis of a family's financial application. When applying for financial aid, a a copy of your most recent tax returns will need to be submitted along with your application, to determine how much aid you are eligible for. Lyndon Academy financial aid is a secondary source of financial assistance when nothing else is available. Other sources of funding are primary and may replace some or all of the Lyndon Academy aid.

You can use the resources on this page to complete or print the Need Based Financial Aid Application, apply for student loans, or find more information on reducing tuition by pledging to the Georgia Student Scholarship Organization.

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Need Based Financial Aid Policy & Application

Criteria for Eligibility: Adjusted Gross household income is the primary factor for determining the level of financial assistance. However, Lyndon Academy does review other factors to determine your out-of-pocket expense. Lyndon Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, national or ethnic origin.

Adjusted Gross Household Income Definition: Adjusted Gross household income includes, but is not limited to taxable income, foreign income, trust funds established for students, alimony payments received, and child support payments received.


  1. Applicants must complete and submit electronically or deliver all necessary paperwork to the attention of Peter Murdock

  2. An evaluation of your financial aid will be provided to you within a week. After consideration of your financial gift, we encourage you to take the next step in applying to Lyndon Academy.

  3. Financial assistance is limited and awarded on a first come - first served basis. "First come - first served" is determined based on the time of enrollment at Lyndon Academy.

  4. Proof of income will need to be provided and verified each year to maintain the financial assistance.

If my application for financial assistance is approved, I, 

understand that Lyndon Academy financial aid is a secondary source of financial assistance when nothing else is available. Other sources of funding are primary and may replace some or all of the Lyndon Academy financial aid. These primary sources are not limited to Student Scholarship Organization funds, Special Needs Scholarship funds, and Gifts from Grandparents. By typing my name below, I understand and agree that this form of electric signature has the same legal force and effect as a manual signature.

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